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European Schools & Accredited European Schools

Organising a Hackathon in Nursery - quick & easy webinarWEBINAR

by Mrs Vanessa Dubois (ES BRUSSELS IV)



A Nursery class in the European School of Brussels IV has participated in a hackathon during the DigiEduHack2021. With their teacher, the pupils reflected on the topic of paper waste in the classroom (education for environmental sustainability).

The whole process has been documented in an online learning journal. The solution found by the pupils has been submitted for the DigiEduHack 2021.

A podcast was also released with Ms Dubois.

👉 Join us for a 30 minutes online session if you want to learn more on how to run a hackathon in Nursery and how this kind of process can be adapted to other projects in your class.

📣 The webinar is hosted by Vanessa Dubois (ES Brussels IV).

